We provide support, financing and project implementation in the Democratic Republic of Congo, with a focus on providing clean water, clean energy and food security to low-income communities.

As a foundation under Dutch law, we work with the governments of the Netherlands and the Democratic Republic of Congo to address the integrated management of water, energy and food resources.

We collaborate with local organizations to ensure sustainable impacts in the communities, these organizations are responsible for implementing the projects on the ground.

Our goals.

1- The Foundation supports the collaborative effort between the Government of the Netherlands (NL) and the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) to address critical issues related to water resources management , energy sector capacity and food security. This partnership aims to strengthen sustainability in rural communities through agricultural and professional support, providing access to clean water, energy and food in peri-urban and rural areas, and improving skills and capacities through training and technical support.

2- Strengthen rural communities by providing agricultural and professional support.

3- Develop and implement programs and projects to ensure access to drinking water, energy and food in peri-urban and rural areas in the DRC.

4- Provide training and technical support to improve skills and capacities in rural areas.

5- Support local development initiatives by facilitating access to basic social needs in rural and peri-urban areas.

In addition, the foundation supports local development initiatives, provides assistance to people affected by natural disasters and armed conflicts and undertakes actions conducive to these objectives.

WEF Foundation International Team


Chief Executive Officer
Louise  Toussaint
Chief  Operation Officer


Heather Nichols

People & Organizational Development Manager


Maria-Anges Verkaik

Fundraising Manager


Tricia Obel Imongui
Finance Manager

Chiezda Dingani

Communication Manager


Ganesh Sharma

Finance Manager Assistant


Myriam Bwiti
Regional Director/Francophone Africa


DRC Local Team


Country Director


DRC Program Manager


Admin. & Finances Officer

WEF Foundation Board members do not receive a salary from the Foundation. All donations benefit local communities in Central African countries.

Sources of income

The WEF Foundation plans to raise revenue from a variety of sources, including:

1. Memberships : To provide memberships to individuals or organizations that support the mission and goals of the Foundation.

2. Donations : Solicitation of donations from individuals, businesses, governments and other organizations interested in contributing to the Foundation’s projects and initiatives.

3. Legacies : Accept legacies or requests from individuals who wish to leave a legacy to support the work of the Foundation.

4. Earnings from Related Activities: Generate revenue from events, fundraising or other related activities that support the Foundation’s mission.

The partners.

International partners

Local partners